Monday, October 6, 2014

HeatherAsh Amara, Jacob Nordby and the Whole Event

In my exuberance about deciding to firewalk, I have been writing and talking about the event as if it were merely the firewalk.  In doing so I neglected to realize or discuss the fact that this event is more than that.  There is a book signing the evening before with the amazing HeatherAsh Amara and I assume the host Jacob Nordby, author of The Divine Arsonist: A Tale Of Awakening too.  And Saturday includes an intensive workshop, CULMINATING in the firewalk and then a bonfire celebration.  When I realized I've neglected mentioning these other aspects, I also realized I might be excluding people who would love to be part of the workshop, celebration and book signing but not necessarily walk on burning coals.  So here I am atoning.  This will be a high-vibration event.  There will be a strong sense of excitement.  And I encourage all of you who are curious or fans of the authors to check it out.  And just to do a little house cleaning, the site of event might be changing due to some unforeseeable events.  So stay tuned.

Namaste bitches.

For more, visit